Mission Statement
Our mission to provide: excellence in medicine, excellence in service, and impact in our community.
As many of you know, I am an avid fan of Dave Ramsey, and as I listened to his entreleadership podcast in early 2014, his message about mission statements hit home with me.
A few months earlier, I had re opened Todd County Animal Clinic. Though it had already started to grow, I had absolutely no idea how to run a business. I certainly never wrote a mission statement, but as I listened to the podcast, I knew I would need one to govern our business.
“A mission statement defines what you is, and what you isn’t”, Dave said. It was evident to me that Dave’s mission statement was the standard he measured each opportunity with. His mission helped his team define goals, and it kept them on track when making decisions within the company. The mission inspired people, and gave them the opportunity to accel. In short, a mission statement would be essential for our company to succeed as well.
As I tried to define our mission, I reflected on why I restarted the practice. We could have easily built a new practice, a new name, and a new opportunity, but new buildings weren’t essential to the mission we were beginning to form. After about ten drafts, the first part of our mission was written,
“Our mission is to provide cutting-edge, common sense medicine, with excellent customer service, to all species, across western Kentucky.”
As we started to grow, I re visited the mission statement many times. Our original draft was good, but it didn’t fit the scope of what we hoped to create in our hometown.
Also, as the business continued to grow, it became obvious that our mission would reach farther than the bounds of western Kentucky. After only a year, we decided to “update” our mission as a company.
Our mission is to provide, “excellence in medicine, excellence in service, and impact in our community.”
Without excellent medicine, we knew we couldn’t succeed in our community, and customer service has been essential from our first day here.
John Laster
Core Values
People First
go the extra mile
lead from the front
shoot the sacred cow